Private Cataract Surgery in Lancashire & Merseyside
A cataract is a clouding of the lens in your eye. Your lens sits just behind your iris, the coloured part of your eye. Normally your lens is clear and helps to focus the light entering your eye.
Developing cataracts will cause your sight to become cloudy and misty. Cataracts can affect one or both eyes. Cataracts are treated by surgery, during which the cloudy lens is removed and replaced by an artificial lens.
What Are The Signs Of Cataracts?
Cataract Surgery Merseyside & Lancashire
Cataracts normally develop very slowly. At first the changes they make to your sight may be difficult to notice, but as they develop and get worse you'll start to notice symptoms as mentioned above.
Eventually, almost all people with cataracts will discover their sight has turned misty or cloudy, and things have become difficult to see all of the time.
Cataracts sometimes develop so slowly that you might not notice the changes in your vision, but when you have a regular eye test, your optician may detect them and refer you to a hospital.

Private Cataract Surgery FAQ's
How Much Does Private Cataract Surgery Cost?
Cataract surgery costs at iSIGHT clinic start from £2,800 (per eye), our private cataract surgery Southport (Drayton House) and Ormskirk allows for treatment within 2-4 weeks from your referral, there is no long waiting list, so we can deliver the treatment you need, right as you need it.
How Long To Recover After Cataract Surgery?
It can take 2-6 weeks to fully recover post-surgery.
How Soon Can I Drive After Cataract Surgery?
Most patients can drive 24 hours post cataract surgery. You can drive again when you can read a number plate 20.5m (67ft) away, and have minimum 6/12 vision with glasses if required. You cannot drive with double vision.
After your cataract surgery you will have a follow-up with your nurse in which they will either give you clearance to resume driving and other daily activities or may recommend you wait a little longer just to be safe.
How Long Does Cataract Surgery Take?
The cataract surgery itself only takes around 15-20 minutes; It can take 2-6 weeks to fully recover post-surgery.
Can You Fly After Cataract Surgery?
The recommendation from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), is that you have at least 1 full day of recovery before flying post cataract surgery.
We recommend taking along some eye drops while flying if the pressure causes any irritation. If you have surgery with no complications there are no restrictions for travelling on commercial flights, however it is recommended that you do not fly for 1 week if possible.
How To Relax During Cataract Surgery?
We understand that surgery can be stressful and have found there are a few things you can do on the day to bring comfort to your treatment. Firstly, we advise that you talk through the procedure with your consultant so you understand exactly what will be taking place.
Get any questions that you may have out to eliminate any fear of the unknown. Wearing something comforting on the day, enjoying a great meal, prioritising a great night sleep the day before and focusing on your breathing can also be calming and relaxing.
Is Private Cataract Surgery Better Than NHS?
The NHS will provide surgery to remove a cataract but not necessarily to correct vision to reduce the need for glasses. At iSIGHT clinics we also offer more lens options for treatment and cut out the waiting times that come along with the national health service.
According to Optometry Today, waiting times for NHS cataracts surgery increased 84% in England in 2021 meaning the average patient waited 9+ months for treatment. At iSIGHT clinic we can fulfil your private treatment within 2-4 weeks from your referral.
Can I Wash My Hair After Cataract Surgery?
You can shower and wash your hair the day after the surgery. Avoid getting soap or shampoo in the eyes. DO NOT RUB YOUR EYE.
Can I Wear Eye Makeup After Cataract Surgery?
Do not wear make-up, mascara, and eyeliner for 2 weeks.
When Can I Return To Work After Cataract Surgery?
Approximately, 2 – 6 weeks depending on the type of work you do. This can be discussed in your post-surgery check-up and the answer will very much depend on your line of work.
After Cataract Surgery Can I Watch TV?
Yes, it will do no harm to the operated eye.
Can I Wear My Old Glasses After Cataract Surgery?
Yes, but you may find that you see better without them. We will advise when you can go to your own optician to get new glasses. It is usually around 6 weeks post-surgery.
How Long After Cataract Surgery Can I Swim?
6 weeks following cataract surgery.
Are Eyes More Sensitive To Light After Cataract Surgery?
It is normal to be sensitive to bright light for a few days following surgery. You can wear sunglasses if you need to.
When Can I Exercise After Cataract Surgery?
Light exercise can be done immediately, i.e., walking/hiking. More Strenuous exercise can be done size weeks following your surgery.
Can I Do Gardening After Cataract Surgery?
We advise that you rest for at least 2 weeks before gardening.